Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Throwing In the Towel

That's right, I am throwing in the towel; the blogger towel that is.  I'm not sure if it was me being a blogger skeptic, or just a lack of confidence on whether or not anyone would really care what I have to say, but I used to vow that I would never be the blogging type. Well, 8 months after becoming a first time mommy, and falling completely behind with keeping family in the loop on the ins & outs of raising baby Emery, I have decided to see if I can do a better job at sharing the rollercoaster twists and turns of the Meyer household with the Bouncing Baby Meyer Blog.

Things haven't exactly settled down inside our home, in fact with Emery learning to crawl a few weeks back, it is quite the opposite- SO I am setting my goals of this blogging gig, somewhat realistic with the hopes that I can get one post out a month. I would LOVE to get a few a month, but for now- with my only free time being during naptime and after bed time, I will aim low and hope to shoot higher.

Here's to throwing in the towel, and finding time to enjoy the "blogging" fad. I promise to keep it clean, light hearted, and fun, and of course throw in a ton of pictures for those times that I just don't have enough time to type out the words. My hope for this blog is for it to allow friends and family to enjoy a bit more time with Emery and for us to have little pieces of history to look back on when she is walking, talking, and asking for our car keys!

CAR KEYS??????