Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Pumpkins and Princess Kitty

Goodness me…where has the time gone? I suppose we were just busy living in the moment, discovering new adventures, visiting family in multiple states, celebrating the big THREE Ohhhhh’s and then some, that the blog has once again fallen to the wayside. I do apologize for the lapse in updates, and I will do my best to do a brief synopsis to catch you all caught up, hopefully without boring you.
I am happy to say that we are finally feeling settled into our new home. The holiday décor is definitely helping, even though Vegas has yet to change gears and give us any real taste of fall. Last week I put the pumpkins and spiders away and now scarecrows and turkeys fill the new home in preparation of Thanksgiving, which is just around the corner. Halloween this year was a special one. We started off the season with a harvest festival in Colorado while visiting family and friends. We got to visit with Aunties and Uncles, cousins, Great Aunts, Emery’s godfather, Grandma Meyer and even Great Grandma Meyer too. When we got home, we continued the festivities with pumpkin patches, another harvest festival and of course trick or treating on the “big night”. Emery got into the spirit and even “picked out her own costume”. She grabbed a headband with black kitty ears and a princess crown from the local drug store, and from there she turned into Princess Kitty.  Trick or treating with her cousin Liam, Uncles, Aunties and friends was the perfect way to enjoy the holiday. At first Emery was hesitant on the concept. What 20month old wouldn’t be?! Essentially we are teaching her to go up to stranger's doors and ask for them to give her something. Being skeptical of people in general, yes she still hasn't grown out of that, it took her a few times to get the hang of it but it wasn’t long before she was the first to hop out of the wagon and race up to the front door.  Luckily her vocabulary has really grown, and she was able to give a proper, all-be-it a quiet, “tank you” at almost every door. The “lesson” backfired a bit though, when the next week while picking her up from school, she ran over to the house next door and tried to knock on and open the door. Luckily I was able to sweep her up before having to explain myself to the neighbors.
Speaking of words…. words-words-words. Boy does Emery have a bunch now. Her recognition of objects grows by the day; car, truck, airplane, cup, pup-pup, boy, girl, baby, train…. the list goes on and on and her skill for repeating things has become quite refined. Her manners are really starting to sprout with all her “peas” and “tank you’s” and she is starting to pick up “cooz me” and “no, tank you”. But the most exciting one came just the other day when after I asked, “And what’s YOUR name?” like I often do, she responded by pointing to herself and saying “I, Emmy” – clear as day.

She is running around faster than you’d ever think a little girl her age could, but she does and she will tell you “I fast” when she races from wall to wall with everything she has. She climbs higher on the playground than momma and daddy are comfortable with, goes down the Big Kid slides and scales up rocks, ladders, and cargo nets in order to keep up with the older kids. She is incredible and keeps me on my toes every time I take her anywhere. Heck, she keeps me on my toes at the house! It may be exhausting and leave little to no time for much else, but it is more than worth it! I am so blessed to call this my little family that I make sure to give my thanks not just on Thanksgiving but every single day.

**written a few weeks before being posted. Hoping to follow up with an after-Thanksgiving post shortly**