Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Farewell 2013!!


Whoa…. I cannot even begin to explain how quickly the last month flew by for us and I can hardly comprehend that we are waking up this morning to a new month and a new year! Good morning January 1, 2014, nice to meet you.
Our New Year’s Eve was certainly unlike any we had ever had before. We had a pizza party over at Grandma Chris’ house and left Emery with her so that mama and daddy could go out and have a wild and crazy night............. at home watching a movie and casually drinking a glass or two of wine. YEP- we were baby free and all we wanted to do was put an action movie on with no regard to how loud the speakers were turned up, open a bottle of wine and ring in the New Year when the clock struck midnight. Emery is off to a great start for the New Year as well, she slept a solid 10 hours at Grandma’s house with not so much as a peep.  Hopefully that is her New Year’s resolution! 
Let me back up a little and explain what led to the want and need of a little R&R for mama and daddy. December proved to be a very exciting one with lots of Christmas excitement. We trimmed the tree, strung the lights, carried out old and introduced new traditions, hosted family at the house, paid a visit to the Jolly Ol’ Saint Nick, baked cookies, opened presents, started walking, cut FIVE new teeth, grew an inch or so, and learned to get really good at waving hello and goodbye.  Ok, those last few were only Emery’s accomplishments, but we were there every step of the way- so it feels like we worked on and achieved them as well. J
Let’s start with the big one, YES- she started walking!! We knew it wouldn’t be long, as she had looked as though she was strong enough to do it for about a week or so, and finally one Sunday afternoon (December 15th to be exact) she let go and took her first steps. I was in the middle of making her baby food for the week when I looked up and saw this little person in her baby blue footed pajamas, with her arms stretched out in front of her, cautiously balancing her wobbly legs as she took one step, and then another and then another. I stood in awe with my mouth literally opened as I watched her take 4 or 5 steps, and then gracious fall back down to her bum. She turned her head back to see me and we both smiled a large grin and applauded the big achievement. She was so excited, and I was even more so. I grabbed my phone and stood her back up and made her do it a few more times so I could capture it on video to show to daddy, who unfortunately had just stepped out to run to the store. Since that day though, Matt has been able to see many more steps as she keeps on practicing her new “trick”. She has gotten pretty darn good at it too! She is starting to pick up speed and has really figured out her balance and the grace of falling. Luckily we haven’t had many hard spills (knock on wood!).
It was a month jammed packed full of a babbling baby now on the move, lots of holiday fun, an overdue visit from the Meyers and many-many tireless nights as Emery worked on cutting 5 new teeth all at once.  Needless to say by the time midnight rolled around on the 31st, Matt and I looked at each other, clinked our wine glasses, kissed a New Year’s kiss, and headed off to bed. It was the perfect way to end a very exciting year full of new beginnings, and lots of firsts. We woke up this morning without the usual New Year’s Day hangover, feeling refreshed and ready to start 2014 out right. Matt is finally able to focus 100% on his real estate business and has bid farewell to the Palms Casino shenanigans for good. I have made a pledge to myself to focus more on finding a better balance of motherhood, work, and time for myself. We even talked about the possibility of me reentering the workforce on a very part time, simply to allow a little more daddy/daughter time, and a change of scenery for this homebound mama. It’s tough to say what this year will bring, but one thing is for sure- it will be full of new adventures, and possibilities!