Wednesday, December 11, 2013

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas


Well, it didn’t happen as fast as I had hoped, and today we are still working on getting the bulbs and ornaments on the tree, but getting the tree in and the lights on proved to be very fun for Emery!  Daddy put the tree up during bath time Sunday night, so Emery woke the next morning to a tree in her living room. Needless to say she was very interested in why this large tree was in her play area! She didn’t race over to it though, she admired it from afar. Then, last night, mommy and Emery put the lights on the tree, and she really enjoyed that!  With Christmas music blaring in the background, we took the, oh-so-very popular baby in lights pictures, played with some jingle bells, and finally - were able to get the lights on the tree.  Daddy and I were (and still are) very worried that she would want to use the tree to pull herself up, or want to put the branches in her mouth- pulling it over, but she was actually very gentle with it. She used a chair and table to pull herself up and get close enough to it to smell it and of course, taste the lights, but she didn’t pull, tug, or grab at the actual tree. Even this morning, she is playing around the tree with her toys, but has left it alone so far. Fingers crossed her curiosity won’t peek and cause a big crash. (Just kidding- we wouldn’t let that happen!)

So the lights are on the house, the tree is IN the house, and with the arrival of a special package full with Christmas gifts for Emery (thank you Great-Grandma Jan, and Great Aunt Jody!) it really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here! Vegas has also complied with winter standards and has FINALLY dropped down into the 5low 50s the last few weeks, with it currently in the mid 40s. Sure - it isn’t in the 20s with negative wind chill (like our relatives in Colorado), but we are just grateful to finally have weather we can wear our coats and hats in.
VIDEO: Sorry it's a little fuzzy- we had the lights low so we could admire the Christmas lights.  
If you listen closely you can hear her say "Dadda".


Monday, December 2, 2013

November Has Come & Gone

Another month has come and gone. I can’t hardly believe that we are a mere 4.5weeks away from Christmas, sure to be followed quickly with a big New Years Eve bash and then we will be working our way into 2014. YIKES!!
Ok, rewind….. back to November. Yes, it sure went fast but lets try to take it back and reminisce about all the craziness that Emery has started to embark on. Well, we all saw that she is well on her way to walking. Thank goodness she isn’t quite there yet, but she gets braver by the day, and is picking up speed both in her walker and with her push cart. She has almost mastered the art of “driving” forward in her pink car walker, backwards is not a problem, and is working on her turns. I think she’s a ways off from parallel parking, but who knows- the girl surprises me every day.

She is becoming a master pianist with her Fisher Price Step’N’Play piano. She made me remove the infant chair so that she can get the full effect of both sides of the toy and really work the keys. She loves it when she strikes the keys that play the songs. I swear she is starting to recognize the songs, and will “sing” along to them. Ok, maybe sing isn’t the right word, but I think it is her kind of singing, and she definitely goes along with the melody (sometimes)! She even sang us a few songs on Thanksgiving! We were all very impressed, and who knew we would be getting dinner and a show at the Thanksgiving dinner table?!  We all just listened and laughed, while Emery belted out her own tune and had we not all be so full, she probably would have earned herself a standing ‘O’.  Her very first Thanksgiving and she has already made herself the star of the party. She enjoyed the turkey and even the occasional brussel sprout (thanks to Auntie Laurel), but she stayed true to her mama’s colors and spit the mash potatoes right out.

Emery’s new favorite “trick” is clapping. One night, after Matt got home from work, she was sitting in the middle of the floor doing something that impressed daddy, so he clapped for her. She watched him, with her furrowed eyebrows of wonder, and mimicked him with her hands. The first couple times she missed, but it didn’t take long for her tiny little hands to connect and make a small little pop. Her eyes lit up and a giant smile dashed across her face. She has been showing off ever since. She is that much more animated now when she gets excited about something. She will drop her jaw, bounce on her little fluffy bum and clap her hands. Makes it a bit harder to take her pictures these days though; her fast clapping hands usually come out all blurry and sometimes make her look armless.

Ahh yes, November was full of great fun. We are working on more teeth. She is up to 3 now on the bottom, and if my tired mama sensor is correct, I would say she’s got a few more on the horizon. We are also in full fledge stranger danger mode these days. We started to see signs of this about a month or 2 ago, but look out, she’s got it bad these days. This wouldn’t be such a bad thing, if the “strangers” were in fact strangers, but when it is her Uncle John, or one of her aunties who just want to hold and hug her, feelings are hurt more often than not. Fortunately, I think most of the “strangers” understand that this is just another phase that will come and go, and she will soon be giggling at their funny noises and silly faces!!  And although this phase makes it extremely difficult for mama and daddy to find time away, we just keep reminding ourselves that it is a good thing that she is attached to us, and that one day soon she will realize that she doesn’t need us all the time (that day will probably be harder than dealing with the wails of today).
Well, I think that about sums it up and brings us back to today. We just took down all the fall décor and tomorrow the stockings will be hung and the Santas will be up. This is going to be such a special holiday season. I can’t wait to spend it introducing Emery to the wonder of Christmas and the good-ol’-fashion spirit of the holiday. We started it off right two nights ago. We watched the local Christmas tree lighting together, saw our first glimpse of Santa Clause, and felt a bit of Jack Frost on our noses. Daddy put the lights up on the house today, and the Christmas tree will hopefully be trimmed next weekend….. hmmm—I wonder how that will be with an almost-walking, busy little curtain climber buzzing around?!?!?!

Bath time, Fun time! 
Christmas tree Lighting