Thursday, February 27, 2014

Bye - Bye Baby!!


Last weekend we celebrated Emery’s 1st Birthday. Her FIRST BIRTHDAY….. wow- how did that happen? I promised myself that I wouldn’t be that mom who constantly tells her children that “it seems like yesterday Daddy & I were bringing you home for the first time” buuuuuuut  it really does seem like yesterday!  Ok, maybe a few months ago, but not a year. A year already?!  When I say this out loud to other parents, mainly those who have grown children, their response to me is “Just wait, it won’t be long ‘til you are throwing her a sweet 16 party!” Noooo I don’t want to be there already… I want to hold my baby Emmy Bear forever and keep her tiny- with her tiny feet and tiny hands, her little voice and all the adorable babble she rattles off. I want the clothes to stop getting bigger, the hair to stop getting longer, and the pitter patter of little feet to stop getting louder.  Okay-okay, not really- but if it would slow down a little that would be GREAT! ;0)

No- but seriously, it was a few weeks ago that Em and I were at a little boys 1st birthday party that I finally realized she really isn’t a baby anymore. Well, she will always be my “baby”, but this girl was walking around this party like she owned the place. She had her sippy cup in one hand and a pink plastic robot arm in the other (that was the theme of the party; robots) and she was on a mission to see how many people she could get to tell her how cute she was, and to conquer the step between the sliding glass door and the patio (which she did in about 2 tries). I watched her walk from the kitchen out to the patio where the other, bigger girls were playing with chalk, and thought to myself “where did my baby go?”

A few days later, while Matt and I were out shopping, I picked up a pack of baby hair ties to attempt for the ba-gillionth time to pull her ever growing hair out of her eyes. When we got home I took two hair ties and gave her pigtails. She reached back up to me looking for her sippy cup, and off she went with her cup in hand & pigtails bouncing on top of her head. That was it…that was the final straw…. no more baby- we officially have a real-life little person! She knows what she wants & where she wants to go, and she knows how to get there!