Monday, March 17, 2014

Sun, Sand, and SLIDES (An early start to Spring)

Las Vegas has completely disregarded Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction of 6 more weeks of winter. On February 2 he declared he saw his shadow and that meant more cold, more chill, more low temperatures. Maybe for some, but for us here in Las Vegas it was quite the opposite actually.


I can’t remember having an “actual” winter day this year… we did reach freezing temperatures a couple days in December, but since then, we have been getting warmer, and warmer, and warmer. Emery’s birthday, February 25th, was a bright and sunny day with a crystal blue sky and no need for a jacket or even long sleeves. Most people are loving the beautiful spring weather we have had the last month or so, and I have to agree that it is wonderful and makes enjoying the outdoors that much easier, however- I fear for the upcoming months and wonder, if we are already reaching temperatures in the 80s now, what will July and August feel like this summer?!


Well, instead of dwelling on the unknown of how excruciatingly hot it may or may not (but probably will) be, we have been doing our best to spend our days outside and take advantage of it while we have it. Emery is an outdoor girl for sure! She LOVES the fresh air and being in the sun. It has been so fun to watch her listen for new noises, like the birds chirping or the rumbling of the garbage truck rounding the corner.  We try to spend a couple hours outside every day walking around the yard, swinging on her swing set, or digging in the sand. She loves to play in the giant sand box that daddy built for her. OH and, her newest obsession is climbing up and going down slides. I was able to track down a “new-to-us” plastic climber set, and good thing too, because Emery LOVES it and boy does it keep her busy and wear her out (double bonus)! As soon as I got it put together she was trying to figure out how to climb up it. She loves being able to do it herself and when she gets to the top and stands up inside, she has the biggest smile on her face. Sometimes she gets so excited she squeals and cheers for herself!


She has learned the meaning of “sit down” and will do so when I tell her to before she goes down the slide. It still amazes me how quickly she is going from a baby who doesn’t know, to a toddler who understands and does it. I love being able to teach her knew things and watch as she absorbs the information and uses it the next go around. We worked on and practiced “sit down before you go down the slide” one day, and the next day she would climb up, stand up, walk to the top of the slide and sit down before going down- all by herself. Now, she doesn’t do it perfect every time of course, but for the most part, she gets it and is getting really good at it!!

We have also started getting better about getting out and interacting with other kids (and mamas too, which this mama is very happy about J). She is really liking her weekly playgroup filled with singing, reading and activities. We also go to a tumble class on Saturday mornings with Cousin Liam which is teaching her to jump, climb, grip, swing, and roll. Her favorite thing in gym class right now is the vertical ladder climb, although I am starting to see her trying to “practice” at home- climbing up and down things like couches, and daddy’s office chair. Oops! She also understands the “high bar”, and holds on with a death grip allowing her to swing like a monkey and even flip up and over the bar (with help from her teacher, Miss Lisa). What a treat it is to watch her pick and choose her favorites and see her get more comfortable with these things week after week.

Well, the last 6 weeks certainly weren’t filled with frigid temperatures or chilly storms for us, but they were filled with lots of sun, sand, and slides, as well as birthday parties and lots of friend playtime. Great Grandma Sellan had a Shirley Temple  birthday lunch on March 1st, and we celebrated Liam's 1st birthday March 9th in the sunshine and with Mickey ears on! With spring officially starting at the end of this week, I have to say that I am eager to continue to introduce Emery to all of the beauty and excitement that Mother Nature has to offer, and watch as she discovers new things day after day.
"In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt."
-- Margaret Atwood
(Quote found on Uncle John's Facebook page)

Great Grandma Fran's Birthday
Liam's Birthday Party
In our backyard
Time to swing!


Snuck outside with Dallas!
(through the doggie door)
At the Park
Big girl climbing up the stairs

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