Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Too long to pick up?

It's been 2.5 years since I last logged on, and I wonder why it has taken me so long to come back. Have I been too busy living life, basking in the glory of giggles, and wiggles. Watching as my baby grows up to be a big girl right in front of my very eyes. Changing too many diapers, into pull ups, into princess panties? Teaching my little girl how to be kind, and loving, caring and compassionate. Watching her love for reading grow, her vocabulary expand and her humor and imagination flourish. She is a strong, semi-bossy--err I mean assertive, and loving little girl...all FOUR years of her! FOUR!

My last entry was on Halloween Princess Kitty.
Since then there has been a Tinker Bell and a little Dory as well as a new
addition to the Meyer family which now makes TWO BOUNCING BABIES to chase after. Or rather one preschooler and a baby who at 11 months is already running circles around us all. (Time for a blog name change? Perhaps!)
Grayson James - 10 days new
Introducing Grayson James Meyer. This little boy has stolen our hearts, drives us crazy at times, makes us laugh almost ALL the time, and is everything we could have ever asked for in a bouncing baby boy. He loves to dance, babble stories and clap his hands.

Emery was so excited when brother was growing in Mommy's tummy. She would always say goodnight to brother and give him kisses. She would tell him how excited she was to meet him and could hardly wait as the belly grew. A week or two before he came, (which he came 2 weeks AFTER his "due date") I remember brushing my teeth with her and her looking in the mirror at my belly, "Wow. mommy- your tummy is getting really big, it's almost touching the mirror. I think it's time for brother to come out." 
She couldn't be happier to be his Big Sister
Little Love Bug- 6 months
At 10 months, he mastered walking in about 2 days. His favorite past time is baby golfing and is actually quite good at it and just last night, he decided he would start working on his first real word, other than dada, mama, and sis. Since he was about 4 months old, Daddy has been teaching Grayson this first word whether he knew it or not. Every morning before leaving the house for work, he would look right at him open and close his hand in a semi-over dramatic way and say "Bye- Bye".  Last night, Grayson held up his hand, opened and closed his fingers and said "buh-bye". He was so proud of himself that he just kept doing it over and over again, making both mommy and daddy giggle, giving praise where praise was due!
My little loves. Emery 4 yrs, Grayson 10 months
There is so much to catch up on, but I will leave it at this. Today, my baby boy turned 11 months, my little girl grew a little more and I found my deserted blog. Today I promise to do a better job of documenting the amazing milestones of these kiddos as they literally fly by with out any chance of slowing time down. I hope to rewind and do a few posts from the last year to catch up on what I have missed.

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